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Thank you Francisca!

Our manager Francisca Hagen has decided to step down as a manager and leave our group. We would like to say lots of gratitude to her! *Francisca's message: At the end of 2019, I was asked by the group leader of Japone Artists, Utako Arakawa, to become the manager of this multifaceted and inspiring group. I said yes with a lot of motivation to work together with the group members to make the name Japone Artists more known in and outside of the Netherlands, and to get them on stage more often. Although the pandemic brought the group's activities to a standstill in regards to performing on stage, the passion could not stop them to take the digital route to push forward. Resulting in the attendance of the digital events of AnimeCon and HYPER JAPAN but also the release of two digital singles and several music videos. But we have also worked together to start a video podcast to connect with fans. Eventually the possibilities arose for the group to perform at Heroes Made in Asia in 2021 and to tour in 2022 with HYPER JAPAN in London as the tour final. I have to say that I am very proud of this group and what they have achieved in the three years I have been able to do my best as a manager. With all these great experiences, I have come to a point to step down as a manager for Japone Artists as it is time for me to follow a new path in life. With all these lovely memories in my backpack, knowing that we had a great collaboration and great experiences and growth, I am looking forward to the next steps that this wonderful group will take. I hope you can support me in my other work and that you will keep on supporting the members of Japone Artists. I want to thank every group member of Japone Artists for their trust in me and for the great collaboration.  Francisca

*Member's messages to Francisca: Dear Francisca, I can’t thank you enough Francisca!!!! You will be very sorely missed and so many memories with you come to my mind.  …Specially, when Makiko-san was passed away, that moment was the most saddest time for myself in the Japone's history. But I have no words for how I was supported by you!! We made her memorial video together and I got so much encouragement, love and compassion from you. I greatly appreciate for your love, passion and friendship for this group. We will never forget how our great manager you were!!! Please take good care and stay in touch! Love, Utakoxxx Thank you very much for being such a great manager it is not only that. You are incredibly kind and patient I learned a lot from you. It was a fun time to share the rooms with you during festivals. It is a special memory for me! The 3 years were so condensed time for us with you! Take good care. Ayumi Oh no that's so sad to hear... Francisca Hagen .. we will miss you a lot... you have been really really amazing. I really wanna express my thanks for all your hard work! It felt amazing to have someone who has our back..but health comes first for sure. Hope to see you as an audience in our future shows! Kazuma Francisca, it is a big loss for Japone Artists that we lose such a great manager... I appreciate that you did a lot for us. But first of all, I respect your decision and I hope for your happiness and healthy life. It was so fun time to work with you, especially in 2022! Thank you so much Francisca, see you again. Yusuke Francisca, first of all thank you so much for your love passion and effort you put into Japone I am so happy I had the opportunity to work with you and Japone was so lucky to have you to lead the team to new challenges and bring to the next level. You are an amazing person, so open, so kind, so patient, so communicative, so smart, so talented... You are gifted Please take good care of yourself. Hiromi Dear Francisca, Thank you very much for your hard working for us. I hope to meet you face to face someday. Yoshimi Dear Francisca, Thank for your support over the last years! The group has really gone to the next level with all the social media events, videos and performances. Also I was happy that you could take over my manager role since you have a much bigger network in the Japanese festivals and know your way around in social media. You will be missed! Take care and stay in touch! Andries


© 2016 - 2022 Japone Artists
*Photographs by; Miyako Studio / Kees Stravers/Miwako von Planta

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